This blog is still for my personal use. It has been mine since 2005. See my complete profile for information. These websites are my personal property. I was Illegaly Denied Access in the 2012 election cycles by Janet White, the Miami County Clerk. She committed Treason!
About Me

- Herbert L West 3rd
- I filed October 8TH, 2013 and became a Candidate for Kansas Governor for the 2014 Election. I also became a Republican. Feel free to contact me. @HerbertIII on twitter. , 21817 W. 351st, Paola Kansas 66071. These websites are being used as an "In Kind Contribution", as they are mine and free through Google Blogger. See "Fair Market Value" at the, Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission's webpage. Posted by Herbert West III Campaign Treasurer for, Candidate for KS Governor 2014, Herbert West III, (R). E.I.N. 80-0953936.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
K.P.E.R.S. refuse's to care!!!!
I contacted the legal department at K.P.E.R.S. today and was told that they cannot help that I will not get my proper Disability Pension payment's. I told them that I consulted with a Lawyer and the Lawyer told me "My family could file after I "DIE" do to them being the benificary of my Policy. Then the testimony would be HEARSAY do to I cannot verify the info because I would be DEAD!!!" If you as K.P.E.R.S. "SLAVE'S" wish to throw away money, send it to me!!! I feel that would be more beneficial than paying them to rip you off.!!! At least I care enough to tell you the truth!!!! Herbert West 3rd, at Kansas bite's. (P.S.) K.P.E.R.S. has a toll free # 1-888-275-5737 ask for the legal dept. or Administrator Glen Deck if you want to make sure you are not throwing away your money.!!! What would I benefit from you stabalizing your Pension??? The comment about sending me your Pension payment's was a joke. "10 year's and still dieing, but not DEAD"!!!! Please boucott K.P.E.R.S.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Who knew what????
When the Anthrax scare came about Congress felt it could "Justify" stalling the mail process. This limit's our Constitutional Right's to an Unabridged Access to our Congress. They want us to call or e-mail so that the e-mail and phone call spying that has been exposed can be utilized. If they investigate themselves, we cannot do to they can declare "Double Jeapardy". They knew this all along!!! What else do they know. Why is it hard to believe that Congress is "Dirty"!!! They are killing our Troop's and stomping all over our American Right's.!!!! They are "PUTSCHING" our Government system. PUTSCHING is "A Swift and Hostile Takeover Of a Government"!!! Please complain and Salvage our Right's. If we do not we loose!!!! How many people have to DIE before it bother's you enough to care???? If you wait it will be your problem because all the people who care to help you will be DEAD!!!! Thank You
Saturday, December 24, 2005
This should sum it up!!
"George W the Rankinest Bush I ever had the displeasure of knowing existed"!!! I feel that he know's more about coruption in America than he is willing to admit. He keep's us busy so he and his can function so-called "unnoticed"!!! As a concerned American I notice!!!
Friday, December 23, 2005
Can Congress Justify the removal of State's power for their Millitary right's???
When Congress closed the Millitary Base's, in other State's, do to so called "Budget Saving's Need's" it chose to expand the number of Millitary Personel to Kansas. They will go to Fort Riley and Leavenworth, this seem's ok. What people do not realize is that Governor Sebelius, the Governor of Kansas has the right to ask and/or Justify keeping Troop's home to properly handle the State's need's by using the Troop's who have Kansas State/Civilian job's. The other State's cannot declare this because Congress removed their right's to do this by putting the Troop's into the jurisdiction of Kansas. With the over surplus of Troop's the Governor cannot Justify asking to keep some of them here. The Troop's from other State's do not have Kansas State/Civilian job's. As I have also stated in my previous blog, "Kansas bite's", the State doesn't want the War to end do to this would stop their Abuse of the so called "RED TAPE POLICY" that they profit from. Please contact your State Government and Congress to complain and/or to verify that your Troop's for your State are getting their Constitutional Right's as well as your's.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Kansas Politician's profit from American Soldier's Death's!!
When I went to work in Kansas at, the Coffeyville Regional Medical Center, I was forced by Kansas law to buy into the K.P.E.R.S. plan . It is the State mandated Retirement-Pension plan. When I got sick with Factor V Lieden I had to go on full disability. I found that the state of Kansas doesn't regulate this company. They refuse to make them pay me my proper benefits. In this, as a disabled Paramedic, I live homeless. The Governor's office and the Attorney generals Office refuse to intervene. Along my 10 to 11 year fight with them I unfortunately lived in a nursing home. It was a 80 bed nursing home. They declared to the state that 380 people lived there. That is 300 people at $4000.00 a month payed by Kansas tax dollar's for people who do not exist. $1.2 million a month!!! This went to Tennessee, the corporate office. It came back as Federal Bond issue money. The Politicians in this state profited from this. Know that we are at WAR they call it "cutting through the red tape"?? This policy is supposed to benefit our troops only. For instance, in WWII, penicillin was rapidly developed past the "Red Tape" to help the troop's with trench foot. Know a days the pharmaceutical companies "Cut through the Red Tape" with false Statistic's like the 300 people who do not exist in nursing home's. Pharmaceutical companies are under law suit do to this. This is because people "DIE"!! Attorney General Phil Kline pushed for H.C.A. to take over the Hospitals in our area. He also put GlaxoSmithKline in place at KUMC Hospital. The Department of Defense in Wyandotte County Kansas refuses to investigate because the Corporal in charge became the D.A. in the same county. He know blockades investigations for the A.G. Phil Kline. Our health care is being Sabotaged and our Troop's will continue to "Die" if politician's and TERRORIST like Corporal Jerry Gorman thrive. Please complain to our so-called Government and remind them we are their BOSS. For the "People By The People". I feel A.G. Phil Kline is related to GlaxoSmithKline. President Bush gave a executive order, "Uncover Every Stone No Matter Where, How Large or Small To Stop Terrorism". Please demand this order to be followed, not manipulated by a few "TERRORIST" pointing where they feel like. Thank You for your time Herbert L West 3rd, "CONCERNED AMERICAN"!!!
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