This blog is still for my personal use. It has been mine since 2005. See my complete profile for information. These websites are my personal property. I was Illegaly Denied Access in the 2012 election cycles by Janet White, the Miami County Clerk. She committed Treason!
About Me

- Herbert L West 3rd
- I filed October 8TH, 2013 and became a Candidate for Kansas Governor for the 2014 Election. I also became a Republican. Feel free to contact me. @HerbertIII on twitter. , 21817 W. 351st, Paola Kansas 66071. These websites are being used as an "In Kind Contribution", as they are mine and free through Google Blogger. See "Fair Market Value" at the, Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission's webpage. Posted by Herbert West III Campaign Treasurer for, Candidate for KS Governor 2014, Herbert West III, (R). E.I.N. 80-0953936.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Paola PD and Extortion/Racketeering?????
People have complained that Paola PD, in Paola Kansas, write's to many tickets and increased the ticket writing to increase revenue to pay for a new Jail/Police Station and Court House, as a Justice Center. Chief Smail contend's, "They write fewer ticket's in comparison to the prior years stat's." He withheld that the fine amounts are double and triple that of the State Highway Patrol or the County Deputies fine amounts. He withheld the State gets a flat fee of the fine/court cost amount for the State Budget. They still are within 5% of the prior years stats on numbers of tickets written. The double and triple fine amounts have not detered people from getting tickets. Paola has a 100% conviction rate on traffic tickets in City Court. That is ODD. The rate increases happened at the same time the State passed a resolution to recieve an additional fee of the fine/court costs of each City Ticket. The Highway Patrol and the Sheriff's Deputies have the right to be concerned. Paola PD in it's actions for writing alot of tickets and charging double and triple fines are setting the tone, that the Highway Patrol and the Deputies are Derelicting Duty and committing Malfeciance. Basically, if Paola PD feels the fine amounts deter traffic problems, and they write the same average number of tickets, they are trying to state the fine amounts deter traffic problems. Yet they still write the same average number of tickets. So does the Highway Patrol and the Deputies. Paola has shown stat wise, that the number of tickets doesn't deter traffic problems, not does the double and triple fines. I, also again, feel the 100% conviction rate on city traffic tickets is ODD. No other City or County or Highway Patrol has a 100% conviction rating on traffic tickets in Kansas. NONE!! This shows Extortion and Racketeering. They cannot justify the ticket amounts. The amounts have proven statistically, that the amounts do not matter in detering an allegid problem. The problem is, "Paola PD Extorts and writes false tickets knowing Judge Shultz will always find everyone guilty. This shows a "Predispositional Prejudice" on her part. This proves, Extortion and Racketeering. The Legislature in Topeka wants to use these falsified stats and increase the Uniform Code fines and allow the Municipalities to regulate and give authority to regulate the Kansas Highway Patrol and the County Sheriffs' and their Deputies. Municipalities do not regulate nor authorize Sheriffs', their Deputies or the Highway Patrol. Legislature's need called out on this and told they cannot falsely manipulate the fines to Extort more money, period. The Deputies and the Highway Patrol have not increased the number of tickets they write, nor have their fines increased. On July 1st of this year, 2009, costs will increase $10.00 and an increase on the surcharge will be $11.00. To campare the fine amounts, look at K.S.A. 8-2118 at Click on the Government icon on the home page. Then click on the Legislature icon. Then type in K.S.A. 8-2118 and read the Statute. Compare it to the Municipalities at "Kansas Standard Traffic Ordinances" using a yahoo or google search. I was told the new fine amounts will not be on-line for 2 too 3 months, by Chief Smail of Paola PD, but a copy of the schedule of fine amounts can be picked up at the Justice Center in Paola, Kansas. Herbert West 3rd, HerbertIII at
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I don't know why one would blame the police department for writing too many tickets. I would think the blame would lie with the people who are choosing to break a law. Are the police supposed to ignore an infraction just because others say they write too many tickets? Completely backwards thinking.
No other Police Department, Sheriffs Office or Highway Patrol Troop Station has a 100% conviction rate with the fines costing 4 times the amount in comparision to all the other Law Enforcement Agencys in Kansas. The Lawyers here in Miami County, Paola, tell us, "Judge Shultz has a 100% predispositional prejudice and already finds every person guilty before their trial". Again, no Law Enforcement Agency in Kansas has a 100% conviction rate on traffic tickets. Paola P.D. Administration acts as if they have a business license. They refuse to acknowledge they are not a business, they are a city charter. So, do you feel that the entire Law Enforcement World in Kansas is incompetant compared to Paola P.D. and their conviction rate? The Highway Patrol, the 105 counties Sheriffs Offices, the city P.D.'s in all the other counties and to include Louisburg P.D. and Osawatomie P.D. here in Miami County? Any other questions for me???
Thanks for this blog post. I'm a new victim of this audacious ticketing system. Driving through on my way to visit relatives down south, I needed to get something to eat, only to find out how bored the cops are and how many traffic setups there are just to write someone a ticket. I was slapped with a $110 fine for a traffic violation on a dark road late at night where there was obviously no other traffic. The signs were not well marked, and my judgment confirms I was no putting anyone's lives in danger making a left turn out of a parking lot. Obviously the cop was sitting there to write tickets for this obvious setup.
I sucked it up and paid the outrageously high priced fine for doing something that had no effect on anyone considering I was in the middle of nowhere with visibility in all directions. Then I get a letter in the mail saying I still owe $60. Oh that's the $60 for the court costs? But I didn't go to court. Doesn't matter to Paola apparently. What a crock. $170 dollars total for absolutely nothing. Yeah, it feels like extortion to me. I'm never stopping in that town again. I hope to hear a fault line opens and swallows it some day.
The only people who are complaining about this issue are those who break the law. Abide by the laws and you will not have a problem. Its a No Brainer.Does anyone stop to think that just maybe the police department would like to have some Order in their town? Of course not. The only thing you are worried about is how much it will cost you when you get caught breaking the law. Its about time that people pay for their illegal actions.
I am also a victim of this scam. I have had a ticket or 2 in my past and plea guilty and paid the fine. No Problem. Paola Kansas sux ass. Scumbag cops. Just becasue HE said I was speeding but I was not. $175.00 ticket what a joke. No one I know likes that hillbilly town anyway, Mine was on the highway with 7 or 8 cars close together. Did he have a magic radar gun. The paola cops are like Barney Fife and I hope they only get one bullet as well. Waaay too dangerout to allow them to have more than one. Scumbags. Hope you rot in your cheezy little chit hole town.
I moved south out of town in November. It is much better. Thanks for sharing!!!!
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