You can read below and see what I said earlier about feeling, Kansas Bites. It also explains why I stated this comment and why I feel this way. Currently "KANSAS BITES" right now and has for awhile. I want to become Governor and work towards being able to state, "KANSAS NO LONGER BITES". Until then, I campaign, meet with people and work towards removing the statis we got stuck with! Herbert West 3rd {D}, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010.
**Update** Nov 10, 2009.
Osawatomie Kansas and the rest of Miami County, as well as the rest of the State, please click here,
It shows the level of corruption in the City and County Government here in Miami County Kansas.
This blog is still for my personal use. It has been mine since 2005. See my complete profile for information. These websites are my personal property. I was Illegaly Denied Access in the 2012 election cycles by Janet White, the Miami County Clerk. She committed Treason!
About Me

- Herbert L West 3rd
- I filed October 8TH, 2013 and became a Candidate for Kansas Governor for the 2014 Election. I also became a Republican. Feel free to contact me. @HerbertIII on twitter. , 21817 W. 351st, Paola Kansas 66071. These websites are being used as an "In Kind Contribution", as they are mine and free through Google Blogger. See "Fair Market Value" at the, Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission's webpage. Posted by Herbert West III Campaign Treasurer for, Candidate for KS Governor 2014, Herbert West III, (R). E.I.N. 80-0953936.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
See "VIEW MY COMPLETE PROFILE", to your right under my "ABOUT ME" description. Click onto that icon and go to the bottom of that page. It will give you the other links to my 3 blogs. Thanks again, Herbert West 3rd, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010.
Monday, July 13, 2009
I have confirmation, I was correct. The Campaign Fundraiser will be up and running soon.
I received confirmation from the Kansas Ethics Commission today. I was correct in being able to facilitate a Campaign Event Silent Bid Auction using Kansas Lottery Tickets donated by businesses. I will be getting my campaign up and running this week into next. I am being very careful not to rip off my fellow Kansas Residents. I don't want to breech Policies, Rules, Regulations and/or Laws. I will keep you up to date as this campaign evolves. Thanks for your patience and understanding. To much has been done by some of the current Elected Officials without thought or insight into the Kansas people and their rights. I don't want to become a typical politician. I want to become, "YOUR", Elected Official. I want to share my ears my heart and back your rights. Herbert West 3rd, {D}, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010.
I received confirmation from the Kansas Ethics Commission today. I was correct in being able to facilitate a Campaign Event Silent Bid Auction using Kansas Lottery Tickets donated by businesses. I will be getting my campaign up and running this week into next. I am being very careful not to rip off my fellow Kansas Residents. I don't want to breech Policies, Rules, Regulations and/or Laws. I will keep you up to date as this campaign evolves. Thanks for your patience and understanding. To much has been done by some of the current Elected Officials without thought or insight into the Kansas people and their rights. I don't want to become a typical politician. I want to become, "YOUR", Elected Official. I want to share my ears my heart and back your rights. Herbert West 3rd, {D}, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010.
Governor Candidate Campaign, Silent Auction Fundraiser, Update.
I had thought about asking businesses to donate Kansas Lottery Tickets for a Silent Auction Fundraiser. I wanted to approach a businesses and they would have paid $100.00 for the Tickets and then donated the $100.00 in UN-scratched tickets to my Campaign to be Auctioned off at the Fundraiser Silent Auction. I was told by the Kansas Ethics Commission that I was 100% legal except they cannot advise on the use of the State Regulated Lottery Kansas Lottery Tickets. So I called the Kansas Lottery and spoke with Steven Doral. He stated, "He cannot give legal advice". He refused to tell me if I can or cannot utilize Kansas Lottery Tickets. He is at 1-785-296-5700. He can be e-mailed at . I could have collected $100.00 worth of Kansas Lottery Tickets, Silent Auctioned them off, met $100,000.00 worth of curious people, explained my political views and collected an average of $50,000.00 in Campaign Funds from these people who came to the Fundraiser Auction, and silent bid and won these Tickets. I am not pleased! I can still get items like TVs, Stereos, Gift Certificate's, etc:.. I feel him being ambiguous has reflected upon my Campaign. He should have to explain the policy per the Kansas Lottery on the allowed use of the Tickets. He is an Assistant Attorney General. Remember that when you vote for the next Attorney General. If your displeased with A.G. Six and his staff, vote for Ralph DeZoga. I will be setting up Fundraisers soon and meeting with potential voters as well as everyday Kansas Residents. Thanks as always, Herbert west 3rd, {D}, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010.
I had thought about asking businesses to donate Kansas Lottery Tickets for a Silent Auction Fundraiser. I wanted to approach a businesses and they would have paid $100.00 for the Tickets and then donated the $100.00 in UN-scratched tickets to my Campaign to be Auctioned off at the Fundraiser Silent Auction. I was told by the Kansas Ethics Commission that I was 100% legal except they cannot advise on the use of the State Regulated Lottery Kansas Lottery Tickets. So I called the Kansas Lottery and spoke with Steven Doral. He stated, "He cannot give legal advice". He refused to tell me if I can or cannot utilize Kansas Lottery Tickets. He is at 1-785-296-5700. He can be e-mailed at . I could have collected $100.00 worth of Kansas Lottery Tickets, Silent Auctioned them off, met $100,000.00 worth of curious people, explained my political views and collected an average of $50,000.00 in Campaign Funds from these people who came to the Fundraiser Auction, and silent bid and won these Tickets. I am not pleased! I can still get items like TVs, Stereos, Gift Certificate's, etc:.. I feel him being ambiguous has reflected upon my Campaign. He should have to explain the policy per the Kansas Lottery on the allowed use of the Tickets. He is an Assistant Attorney General. Remember that when you vote for the next Attorney General. If your displeased with A.G. Six and his staff, vote for Ralph DeZoga. I will be setting up Fundraisers soon and meeting with potential voters as well as everyday Kansas Residents. Thanks as always, Herbert west 3rd, {D}, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Senator Brownback is a Liar.
He says he supports Kansas. He is a Liar. Congress secured $35,000,000.00 with the U.S. Senate for the Kansas Bio-Lab. It will cost $450,000,000.00 to build it. Kansas has to match or give equal funds for the project. That is $225,000,000.00. It has set aside $140,000,000.00 so far. If Congress finally gets its $225,000,000.00 in place where is the additional money that Kansas is responsible for coming from? $85,000,000.00 short at present. Yet we have a balanced budget in Kansas? Brownback and his Campaign buddy Roberts are liar's. They cannot show where the $85,000,000.00 is coming from. Look at the money Topeka stole thus far for the $140,000,00.00 debt they refused to disclose. This sucks!!!!! Herbert West 3rd, {D}, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010. HerbertIII at
Silent Auction Fundraiser in the planning stage's.
I will be setting up a Silent Auction with donated merchandise soon. I will be getting items from People and Businesses. I am looking into Lottery Tickets, TVs, Stereos, Gift Certificates, Gas Cards, Green Dot/Visa Debit Cards etc:.. I have contacted the Kansas State Lottery and the Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission. I have received positive information in response to my inquiries. The Kansas Lottery is at 1-785-296-5700. I spoke with the staff and left a message and e-mailed Steven Doral in their Legal Department. I spoke with the Kansas Ethics Commission at 1-785-296-4219. Jana informed me that Katrina is the State Candidate worker. I will also be doing free drawings, with no purchase necessary for items at fundraising events also. I will keep you all posted. Herbert West 3rd, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010. HerbertIII at
I will be setting up a Silent Auction with donated merchandise soon. I will be getting items from People and Businesses. I am looking into Lottery Tickets, TVs, Stereos, Gift Certificates, Gas Cards, Green Dot/Visa Debit Cards etc:.. I have contacted the Kansas State Lottery and the Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission. I have received positive information in response to my inquiries. The Kansas Lottery is at 1-785-296-5700. I spoke with the staff and left a message and e-mailed Steven Doral in their Legal Department. I spoke with the Kansas Ethics Commission at 1-785-296-4219. Jana informed me that Katrina is the State Candidate worker. I will also be doing free drawings, with no purchase necessary for items at fundraising events also. I will keep you all posted. Herbert West 3rd, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010. HerbertIII at
Comment Section Update.
I am not sure why, but the comment icon stopped appearing here on new posts. Look to your right and click onto the "VIEW MY COMPLETE PROFILE" icon under my "ABOUT ME" paragraph. Go to the bottom of that page and click onto my other site and read and/or comment there. Thanks again, Herbert West 3rd, Candiidate for Kansas Governor, 2010.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
I will be setting up fundraiser's soon.

I will be working with Charities and other Organizations in setting up joint fundraiser's soon. I will get a percentage up to $2000.00 from the ticket price for the events and will be collecting campaign funds at the events also. In a joint event, the charity or organization will also be collecting for their charity or organization. Keep an eye out here. I will be in updating as this evolves. Herbert West 3rd, {Democrat}, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2020. @HerbertIII at
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
This blog site is a free site and is managed by, Treasurer Herbert West 3rd, for, Herbert West 3rd, {D}, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010, free of charge. HerbertIII at
Monday, July 6, 2009
Threat to my life. Herbert West 3rd, {D}, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010.
I had filed a report. Report number 2008-2227 was denied activation by Sheriff Kelly and County Attorney Miller. Miller is at 1-913-294-3181 and Kelly is at 1-913-294-4444. Miller says this threat is ambiguous. My first name was used, my size was referenced, and my party affiliation was used. I was the only Democrat. I hope people facilitate a re-call petition and remove Miller and Kelly. Thanks Herbert West 3rd, {D}, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010. HerbertIII at See
**Update** March 21ST, 2010**
Look at:..
**Update** March 21ST, 2010**
Look at:..
We will see. Nicholas Jungman e-mailed me about my concerns with
I had contacted McClatchy Newspapers in California and the Wichita Eagles Deputy Editor/Interactive, e-mailed me back. My use of my URL use in my posts warrant a spam alert in their software. I use these as a signature. This is a breech of their spam guidelines. I will you posted. Nicholas Jungman is 1-316-268-6467. His e-mail is They are @WE_Tweet at I received both of those contacts from my consult with McClatchy in California. They are at or 1-916-321-1855. Thanks again, Herbert West 3rd, {D}, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010. HerbertIII at
Sunday, July 5, 2009
It is July 5th 2009. Updates and same/same.
The things that tells people. They boast about having over 1 million readers a day at Yet only about 15 different people take the time to comment with eachother there. 15 people out of 1 million readers? I have found that those 15 people are staff writers who pose as, "Public Comment Bloggers". The site also supports Senator Brownback 100% for Governor and deletes any opposition against him. I keep getting deleted on their site. I will be in Sedgwick County soon, over the next month, to talk with people, directly. They have the right to hear both sides of the Candidate status. Brownbacks opinions and mine. They have the right to boycott the paper. The Wichita Eagle needs taught that people don't like lies and manipulation of their Constitutional Rights. People have the right to the news, and they have the right to express their virews without retaliation by the paper. McClatchy needs to be called out on this also. They own the paper. McClatchy is at 1-916-321-1855 or The Wichita Eagle is at 1-316-268-6000 or . Thanks as always for your open minded reading of my posts. Herbert West 3rd, {D}, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010. HerbertIII at
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Blessing to KILL!!!!!!!!!!
In August 2008 I was threatened with my life while I was a Candidate for Sheriff. Sheriff Kelly refused the activation of the report I filed. The FBI demanded I file with him and await his answer. That was 8 months ago. Then County Attorney Miller, refused to look into it. So, a gunman who made a threat to my life is seeing he has the blessing of Sheriff Kelly and County Attorney Miller who refused to investigate the threat. The Secret Service says its a threat. So did the Kansas Highway Patrols Internal Affairs/Professional Standard Unit. John Lennon was threatened 1 year before his death. President Ronald Reagan was threatened 2 years before he was shot. The more the lazey bribe taking Government refuses to investigate threats the more these people kill. Look at Roeder killing Dr. Tiller. I demanded Sheriff Kelly and Miller be arrested for obstruction and the FBI refused. So did the Attorney General. The KBI also takes bribes. I have purchased a Shotgun. I have been told, I cannot use it even in self defense. I have looked into buying a handgun and taking the conceal carry class. The CCH desk in Topeka knows me and has communicated with me. I want this individual to know, I will defend myself. Kelly and Miller cannot grant this asshole the right to kill me. Yea, I am a Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010. What if jackass wants me out of the Governors race? Fuck-em, I am not leaving the race. The Miami County Sheriff is at 1-913-294-4444, the D.A. is at 1-913-294-3181, the Kansas City FBI is at 1-816-512-8200. The San Diego FBI is at 1-858-565-1255. The e-mail for the KC FBI is Keep me alive, file complaints and rermove their bribe taking asses, LEGALY!!!!!!!!!! Herbert West 3rd, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010. HerbertIII at
The Wichita Eagle are "BIGOT'S".
I comment on the WE BLOG section of the website for the Wichita Eagle. It is at under the opinion icon. They recently buried it there because they are wanting hide the opportunity for people to comment there. They structure it to look like a public forum page. It is commented on and/or staffed by their staff and writers. They censor the posts/comments. I had posted that Senator Brownback gave a "NO HARM NO FOUL", approach on the Congress apology in regards to slavery. The website, removed my comments and put me on moderation status. This makes them "BIGOT'S". They can be reached at 1-316-268-6000. Their www.twitter is WE_Tweet McClatchy, who owns the paper/website is at 1-916-321-1855, or This propaganda and censorship has to be exposed. Herbert West III, {D}, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010. HerbertIII at
Views on some current events, topics.
Pre-Confirmation hearing, Sotomayer: I don't see where skin color should be used to facilitate a job description. From what she decided, Hispanics and Blacks scored low so the whites can not have promotions. Did the whites recieve any training or tutoring that the Hispanics or Blacks were denied? Was their secret training that only whites recieved? People ask and demand for equality and then when they fall short they scream "Affirmative Action". When this is abused or even allowed, it achieves one thing, that being, Bigotry. Skin color of difference delegating over another. The equal access to training and the training itself has not been questioned. The training Core Curriculum was not challenged. The equal access to that training, again was not challenged. It was and is within Equality. Equal Employment access.
Madoff: The money went somewhere. It is traceable. Those that currently have it, are conspirators. File on them and get the money back. People in the business world and investment world look at both sides. They don't blindly except anything. They are required to disclose their assest's on the taxes for example. The money can be retrieved.
The Holcomb Kansas Coal Plant in Kansas: The permit was for a completely different design and the regulations they used to inspect the design have changed. I cannot get a Building Permit to build a house and then change my plans and build a Skyscraper, using the same Permit. Lisences and permits are specific based on requests. I commend the EPA in this decision. The Governors of Kansas need held accountable for their attempted manipulation of their authority they abuse. Sebelius and now Parkinson, abuse their authority. When Elected I will not abuse muy authority. Nor will I allow anyone else this "Stupidity".
Herbert West 3rd, {D}, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010. HerbertIII at
Madoff: The money went somewhere. It is traceable. Those that currently have it, are conspirators. File on them and get the money back. People in the business world and investment world look at both sides. They don't blindly except anything. They are required to disclose their assest's on the taxes for example. The money can be retrieved.
The Holcomb Kansas Coal Plant in Kansas: The permit was for a completely different design and the regulations they used to inspect the design have changed. I cannot get a Building Permit to build a house and then change my plans and build a Skyscraper, using the same Permit. Lisences and permits are specific based on requests. I commend the EPA in this decision. The Governors of Kansas need held accountable for their attempted manipulation of their authority they abuse. Sebelius and now Parkinson, abuse their authority. When Elected I will not abuse muy authority. Nor will I allow anyone else this "Stupidity".
Herbert West 3rd, {D}, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010. HerbertIII at
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