About Me

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I filed October 8TH, 2013 and became a Candidate for Kansas Governor for the 2014 Election. I also became a Republican. Feel free to contact me. @HerbertIII on twitter. west.herb@yahoo.com , 21817 W. 351st, Paola Kansas 66071. http://herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com/ These websites are being used as an "In Kind Contribution", as they are mine and free through Google Blogger. See "Fair Market Value" at the, Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission's webpage. Posted by Herbert West III Campaign Treasurer for, Candidate for KS Governor 2014, Herbert West III, (R). E.I.N. 80-0953936.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


You can read below and see what I said earlier about feeling, Kansas Bites. It also explains why I stated this comment and why I feel this way. Currently "KANSAS BITES" right now and has for awhile. I want to become Governor and work towards being able to state, "KANSAS NO LONGER BITES". Until then, I campaign, meet with people and work towards removing the statis we got stuck with! Herbert West 3rd {D}, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010.

**Update** Nov 10, 2009.

Osawatomie Kansas and the rest of Miami County, as well as the rest of the State, please click here,

It shows the level of corruption in the City and County Government here in Miami County Kansas.


Herbert L West 3rd said...

See below for the post, "Jace Mills or Kansas Kid Conservative, asked me questions and then refused to post my answers. Here is the questions and answers. Read #6.

Anonymous said...

This worthless SOB, Herbert West 3rd, advertised his site on a DEATH NOTICE on the Wichita Eagle webpage. Sounds good enough to be governor to me.

Herbert L West 3rd said...

I have not paid for any advertising space or ads as of yet. I have purchased Campaign Business type cards. I have not paid for any advertising at the Wichita Eagle webpage. Whatever ads are on their site, they placed their. I did not place any ads nor did I authorize any ads on any website. I do sign off with my Candidate signature and website info in the "We Blog" section under the comments at kansas.com which is the Wicita Eagles webpage. Can you clarify what you feel you saw, anonymous? Herbert West 3rd, {D}, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010. Oh yea, and I am an S.O.B. per anonymous.

Herbert L West 3rd said...

I stand corrected now that I looked at my comments. I was friends with Scott Kurtis for about 2 years in the later part of the 1990's. I moved from Coffeyville Kansas and have not saw him since. As stated, "I sign all my comments with my signature to include my Candidate title". I meant no offense. I still offer Bill Kurtis and his family my condolences. Herbert West 3rd, {D}, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010.

Tony said...

You contradict yourself apon opening your blog... in not as many words as you put it.. you censor your comments, how can i trust you if you do not even support the first amendment right

Herbert L West 3rd said...

Tony, I get people who cuss here and people who want comments posted that do not pretain to the subject. I also get people, like yourself, who want to comment using fake names and then complain because they, or whoever you are, don't get pampered.

Tony Hawkins said...

Sir i beg your pardon.. My name is Tony Hawkins i live in Emporia Kansas 1128 Lakeview to be exact.. i only expressed my opinion , nothing that should offend you at all.. right? no need to assume i personaly would lie about who i am .. you know as much about me as i do you ! you put yourself in a position to be critisized

Tony said...

Paola?? please forgive my off subject comment.. i bet i know some of your family.. lets see.. Matt, Melony(West would have been madien name i think, ummm Danny West..

Herbert L West 3rd said...

Don't know her. I don't have family in Paola.

Herbert L West 3rd said...

I opened myself up to be critisized. Hows that???? Evaluated, yea. Critisized why? I did not block you comment. Whats up with you thinking I blocked your comment or comments?

Tony said...

If i said you blocked my comments.. i appologise as you have not.. i did however comment about you deciding whether or not comments, will be "Allowed" i just simply think that you either believe in some thing or you do not..i mean honestly you yourself a little farther down on your blog say "Fuck em" any way Sir please consider the fact that it is imposible to see the expression or the tone of voice in the typed word and if you took my comments hostile or sarcastic.. that was not my intent and if you look up the word Criticize you will find one of the synonyms is Evaluate... http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/criticize

Herbert L West 3rd said...

I monitor my comments. Sorry.

Jeff said...

Mr. Herbert L West,

Are you an actual serious contender? I am a student/intern doing research on the race in 2010 and am unclear on your platform on some of the issues. I would advise you to present your issues in a more clear manner.

Herbert L West 3rd said...

What is so unclear Jeff???

Homie The Clown said...

Ha, Ha! You are no longer an uncontested democratic candidate. Tom Wiggans filled out The paperwork to establish a campaign Tuesday.
He has a shitload of money and is not known as a total nutcase like you are. I bet he will beat you in the General Election!

Herbert L West 3rd said...

Thank you Mr. Holmes. I noticed that myself. US Senator Brownbacks wifes Dad used to own that paper. They are still connected there.

Herbert L West 3rd said...

Homie the clown, HA HA HA, back at you. Millionaire, Thomas Wiggans QUIT. Thanks again, Homie!!

Herbert L West 3rd said...

Come to find out, Mr. Holmes did not send the comment. I called him and he owns a real estate office. That is how someone got his name and number and used it without his permission. I called him and then deleted the allegid comment. I still have the original e-mail and will have SBC/ATT&T look into who sent it. Thanks,

Herbert L West 3rd said...

Thanks for taking the time to read up on my views. I cannot see where I am a joke, but people have their views also. Most just don't take the time to communicate past their brain capacity of a word or two before they get lost in their thoughts, or lacking thereof.

Anonymous said...

I really doubt Perez Hilton took the time to read your blog. Your a joke. If he ever did he would make fun of you!

Herbert L West 3rd said...

I agree. I am just showing some of the level of stupidity that some people will go too. Heck, they did not even spell straight properly.

Anonymous said...

So you agree Perez Hilton would make fun of you?

Anonymous said...

You seem to know a lot about racial slurs to accuse someone else of being a bigot? I wonder do you attend klan rallies? Because you know a lot about hate speech and seem pretty comfortable using it!

Herbert L West 3rd said...

I don't feel comfortable using those words. 99% of the world knows the negative slurs used for the different types of ethnic people. I have a knowledge base on alot of subjects in life. How I use that knowledge base is what is important. Not all bigots belongh to the KLAN. Blacks can be Bigots. Do they belong to the KLAN. Use your head, dumbass.

Anonymous said...

When it is proven that your landlord did not call you a racial slur used against Hispanics and that you are the one that used it on your site and that you, yourself are the bigot. Dad should sue you for slander/libel and Defamation of Character!

Herbert L West 3rd said...

Are you Anonymous, his kid or just an idiot? The K.H.R.C. has the case on file. Docket Case Number: H1362-10. The Miami County Sheriffs' Office has multiple complaints filed by many people over the past years for racial slurs on previous reports against Al Massoth for Bigotry. The pattern has been proved. Go figure,

A Friend said...

Hello Sir,
I was wondering what court has case H1362-10 on its docket and when the next hearing is? Also I was wanting to contact someone about the case. Whom may I call or visit in person that is investigating this matter?

I Kindly appreciate your assistance Sir
Thank You

Herbert L West 3rd said...

The "Kansas Human Rights Commission", in Topeka KS.

Herbert L West 3rd said...

Thanks. I also posted a new article under the Herbert West 3rd, Candidate for Kansas Governor page. It is my Candidates Response to Governor Parkinsons State of the State.

Anonymous said...

Why do you advertise gay porn on a site for a political campaign? Children could visit this site and you have no warnings of such.

Anonymous said...

I see only one instance but because you were vulgar and rude I will just keep quiet and let you figure it out for yourself. But yes there is a link to gay porn on your site. I guess my thoughts were correct.

Anonymous said...

Thank You for removing it

Herbert L West 3rd said...

Your welcome. It was placed under a false name and pretence. I will be more careful in screening the comment posters.